Decent work implementation, Workplace assessments and remediation

Decent work implementation, workplace assessments and remediation

Etico has conducted workplace assessment programs with various organizations and companies like Fair Wear Foundation (FWF), Fair Labor Association (FLA), Better Cotton Initiative (BCI –,

GoodWeave International, IKEA, Odlo (sports brand) and Madness (clothing brand), Nature Kids (clothing brand) among others. These assessments are usually based on ILO international labour standards or specific to a core labour issue like occupational health and safety, workplace harassment and gender auditing.

Dr. Majumdar is also the lead auditor with these organizations and provides consultation and expertise on audit supervision, audit planning and execution, management and worker engagement through interviews and home visits, occupational health and safety, document review and report writing.

Dr. Majumdar provides consultancy to international development organizations like Fair Wear Foundation and Fair Wear Foundation, to evaluate their auditing strategies, findings, remediation program with their affiliates and brands, on regular basis.

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