Our Clients
Social compliance audits / Human rights due diligence
- Conducted several social compliance workplace audits as lead auditor with expertise in occupational health and safety, worker interviews and document inspection with FAIR WEAR FOUNDATION
- Advisory services on auditing strategies and methodology
- Provide support in development of policies and procedures
- Child labour Protocol: Identification and Monitoring (2015)
- Monitoring homework units: policy and practice (October 2014)
- Policies on audit methodologies and strategies (ongoing)
- Trainer to provide workplace training to management, staff members and workers on workplace harassment, violence against women and gender based violence.
- Coordinating stakeholder complaints via FWF helpline for Hindi and Bangla speaking workers.
Support to FAIR LABOR ASSOCIATION in coordinating farm assessments for seeds, crops, palm oil, rubber
- Human rights impact assessment study on homeworkers for H&M supply chain in Uttar Pradesh – H&M Fair-ART (Artisans for Responsible Trade) – India – Final Social Impact Assessment Report – December, 2015
- SCI (Social Compliance Initiatives) audits for factories in India
- Training undertaken on ‘Dispute Resolution: Rights based processes and consensus building’, ‘managing human capital’.
- Quantitative survey to identify wage practices and worker representation and participation in Delhi and Bangalore, under FLA SCOPE project (2011).
- Verification of BCI (BETTER COTTON INITIATIVE) cotton farms in India.
Ergon Associates
Partnered with Ergon Associates in conducting the ‘impact study of the decent work component of the Better Cotton Initiative BCI’ in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra (July 2013)
Earth Oil Private Limited
Training imparted to producer groups and farmers on ‘fair for life’ for Earth Oil Private Limited, Bareilly.
ISEAL Alliance
Selected expert consultant for ISEAL Alliance ‘assurance code revision steering group’ (2017)
FICCI Aditya Birla CSR
Part of the discussion team of FICCI Aditya Birla CSR Centre for Excellence – GIZ – Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs – Draft National Voluntary Guidelines for the Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business
Audits in mining industry at natural stone sites for WGDN (Working Group for Sustainable Natural Stones) in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka.
- Certified Expert under ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility
- Certified auditor ISO18000 Occupational Health and Safety Expert
Coordinated BSR HERproject activities in India between 2015-2017, including HERhealth, HERfinance and HERrespect.
- Supported and identified key partners to facilitate and build programs around HERrespect.
- Supported BSR in developing business toolkit for HERrespect including workplace harassment
- Stakeholder mapping for Japanese based company,
- Conducted HRIA for BSR sponsored study on behalf of Michelin – Socio-economic impact on traditional livelihood of local communities in Thervoy Site Development Area (2014)
- Conducted HRIA for BSR sponsored study on behalf of VINCI / QDVC – Conducting Human Rights Impact Assessment on Recruitment Practices of Vinci/QDVC (2015)
- Conducted short term research study for BSR on behalf of Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) on Forced labour and migration from India into the Gulf (2019) in Delhi, Chennai and Kerala.
- Conducted HRIA for BSR sponsored study on behalf of Diageo / United Spirits India Limited in Maharashtra and Karnataka
GoodWeave International
Developed policy documents for GWI (GoodWeave International) USA on,
- GWI Guidelines for Rug Producing Homework Units in Afghanistan
- GWI child labour inspection instructions
- GWI Generic International Standards for Rug Producers
- GWI Producer Guidelines to the GoodWeave Generic Standard for the Rug Industry
- Conducted a reference visit to GWI supply chain in rugs and carpet homeworkers in Nepal and India.
I-Mentor – conducted training of trainer for i-Mentor staff members on decent work in agriculture